Our brand

The Meaning of Our Brand
The CEASE logo was designed by April Eve Wiberg, a bi-racial Lakota - Cree iskwêw (woman) and an Indigenous human rights movement builder. April Eve is a proud member of the Mikisew Cree First Nation and the daughter of an Indian Residential School survivor. She has overcome homelessness, addiction, racism, commercialized sexual exploitation, family violence, lateral violence, and gender-based violence.
As an MMEIP (Missing, Murdered and Exploited Indigenous Peoples) family member, advocate, and survivor, April Eve founded the Stolen Sisters & Brothers Action Movement (SSBAM) and continues to raise the alarm on the human rights crisis of MMEIP.
The A is designed to represent an alarm, bring awareness, and create a path forward. Additionally, the rays of the sun signify the strength that comes from multiple voices uniting. Ultimately, the logo embodies optimism for what the future holds and the positive transformation it can bring.
Our brand colours are also significant. Fuchsia symbolizes efforts in preventing the sexual exploitation of children and youth. Teal symbolizes efforts in preventing sexual assault. Orange symbolizes efforts to prevent violence against women and girls.

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