Our Story

CEASE began in 1988 as a community response to the impact of sexual exploitation activities in Edmonton’s core neighborhoods, specifically the actions of exploitation and harassment by men cruising and soliciting. A multi-stakeholder analysis and action led to the creation of the Edmonton Prostitution Offender Program in 1996. The fees paid by the offenders were diverted back to the community to support these strategies: Heal the Harm, Build for the Future, and Inspire Positive Social Change.

A non-profit society was created to implement these strategies. It was first known as the Prostitution Awareness and Action Foundation of Edmonton (PAAFE). In 2011, the name was changed to Centre to End All Sexual Exploitation (CEASE). In 2023, with feedback from a survivor, CEASE changed its name to Centre to Empower All Survivors or Exploitation and Trafficking. CEASE is a registered charity.

CEASE depends on the generosity of volunteers and the community to ensure growth and continuity of services. We are grateful to the many government, corporate, and individual donors who have contributed over the years.

The Need

Human trafficking for purposes of sexual exploitation is a fast-growing crime. It is also a long-standing problem here in Canada. Most people trafficked in Canada are Canadian, many are young and/or Indigenous, and most are girls and women.

Why We Help

Sexual exploitation hurts the children and adults involved, their families, and our communities. It costs us money (policing, courts, social services, trauma recovery services, family impact) and lives through murder, suicides, addictions, and illnesses.

Who We Help

We support all genders of persons who have experienced the negative impacts of sexual exploitation or sex trafficking, including those arrested for exploiting as sex trade buyers. We help our community through awareness and engagement to end sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, and social inequalities.

Our Brand

The CEASE logo was designed by April Eve Wiberg, a bi-racial Lakota - Cree iskwêw (woman) and an Indigenous human rights movement builder. Our logo embodies the optimism for what the future holds and the positive transformation it can bring.
The meaning of our brand

Empowered Peers

CEASE collaborates with lived-experience experts to ensure their stories are shared and remains committed to being guided by survivors, amplifying their voices, and fostering their leadership in the fight against sexual exploitation and human trafficking.

Our team

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Centre to Empower All Survivors of Exploitation (CEASE) & Trafficking is an Edmonton-based charity committed to empowering survivors of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. We support individuals in rebuilding their lives through one-to-one support in the community, victim assistance through courts, bursaries to go back to school, and financial literacy. We work in cooperation with the community, government, and law enforcement to help sexually exploited and trafficked persons heal and renew their lives.

Our vision is a community where there is hope, respect, and transformation for individuals, families, and communities impacted by sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, and social inequality. We advocate to end sexual exploitation and sex trafficking while providing tools to help affected persons heal and renew their lives.

A distinctive feature of CEASE’s methodology lies in its commitment to engaging women with lived experiences of sexual exploitation as peer and public educators. This inclusive approach fosters critical thinking, empathy, and heightened public awareness.


We advocate to end sexual exploitation and sex trafficking and provide tools to help persons heal and renew their lives.


A community where there is hope, respect, and transformation for individuals, families, and communities impacted by sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, and social inequality.


  • Empathy
  • Integrity
  • Connection to Community/ Public Resources
  • Action
  • Public Education

Our Core Strategies

Heal the Harm

CEASE helps heal the mental, social, and financial harm often felt by those who have been sexually exploited or trafficked.

Build for the Future

CEASE helps those who are looking to exit the sex industry or have been impacted by exploitation by working with them to create the foundation for a positive and different future.

Inspire Positive Social Change

CEASE works to end sexual exploitation from all angles: partnering with government and law enforcement, collaborating with other community organizations, and directly working to decrease the demand in Edmonton for sex services.

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